Thursday, May 17, 2007

This is a test

This is a test….

This is a test of the emergency Blogcast system. Do not log off or panic…this is only a test. This blog has been out of commission due to technical difficulties…if you can read this the blog will return in a few days…

PLease comment if you care

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I have a friend who

I have a friend who I was talking to about my blog and she said “You should write about me!” As suspiciously self indulgent as that sounded she is right. I should write about her. She is that rad (a word consistently used by her to describe things that are “cool” or “awesome”) People write about God’s creations all the time…

The mountains are so beautiful I will explode if I don’t write about it!

Music is so raw and emotional my head will implode if I don’t express myself!

Common sense says that writing about His favorite creation, people, is not only acceptable but may give God a sigh of relief.  We tend to admire the wood of the frame before the genius of Picasso.

So with no further ado I introduce you to Helena. Yep, Helena.  Right now she is saying “What the crap?” …Yeah she says crap and some other ones. She is saying crap because Helena is not her name. Its on purpose and… this might be on the internet.
I have my reasons for naming her Helena and if you want to know I just might tell you.

Helena lives far away from me and we are limited to phone conversations. I hate talking on the phone…she is good at it though.  She has great phone etiquette, never is busy with anything else, and okay with putting it off in order to secure a more focused environment.

I talk with her at least twice a month and she updates me on a lot. The great weather where she is…her current job situation, how much she likes her new church. When Helena talks about things going wrong it’s not that annoying complaining that some people do…

I can’t believe this is happening to me…my life sucks…

It usually sounds like…

I can’t believe this is happening…

That is it. Who doesn’t say that!!??

We talk together about hurdles in life. It seems like we both seriously wrestle with God. Not in unbelief but with what we think is best. I know I fight hard with Him. Punches thrown, me getting tossed to the mat, and OH the submission moves He pulls off…
Helena relates to me with that and she may be an easier fight for God because every time she wrestles with something she is very quick to tap out and give it up to Him. It makes me want to do the same.

She tells me about guys that she thinks are rad. I am not so old fashioned sometimes so I tell her to go ask him out…she disagrees. She wants the man to man up, so as to reflect his leadership in a future relationship. I think it is because she wants the best for herself, and she may not know that.

She knows she’s rad and needs a rad guy.

We are so obsessed with people who do such large things… even one famous act can get you into history books, think about Lindbergh, he flew a plane across the atlantic…so he gets biographies and TV specials. Helena loves her friends without reserve…where is her book and movie? Isn’t that worth a thousands flights to the moon!? She gets some crappy paragraphs on a seldom read blog, whoopee. Such is life.

I wish I could tell you all the nuances of her personality but I can’t…that would take days to read and only a God who made her. This is true of anyone. Each person I see and encounter each day is a walking library of emotions and experience. They have their own fears and beliefs. They all reflect God in some way and hopefully they remind somebody of a song they like. ..

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Top ten things I do

MORE Top ten things I do to annoy the Flight attendant.

  1. Put a real contemplative look on and say “take this down”

  2. Get a hold of the intercom and sing the national anthem before take off.

  3. Halfway through the in flight movie ask “whats the movie?”

  4. Put my dinner in the barf bag and slowly eat out of it.

  5. Every time I point use the first two fingers…just like them.

  6. Ask if they get extra “hazard” pay for flying over New Jersey

  7. Read one of those huge Bibles and demand a bigger tray.

  8. Stand in line for the bathroom but never go in.

  9. “Smoke” candy cigarettes.

  10. “If this plane were to crash and land on a deserted island would you go out with  me then?”

Saturday, February 17, 2007

After the Israelites

     After the Israelites left Egypt they embarked on the task of building the very house of God. The list of decorations was long…this just wasn’t going to be a week of Ty running around shouting on a megaphone and five hundred people working around the clock. The owner demanded perfection and true obedience to his demands. This in gold, and that many cubits; the whole enterprise had to be daunting. This many flaps of goatskin and incense continually burning. The altar is this big and the back porch is this wide. Even the dress code was quite particular. Everything had a purpose and everything glorified the person it was made for. Somebody did something beautiful. No it wasn’t a sermon laced with complicated, life changing theology. No not a song that lifted your spirit next to the face of God. No, not even a human conversation that influenced your relationship with Christ. No, not a dance at a ballet, or an old piece of art, or a classical piece of music, which all makes us appreciate the human pursuit of beauty. This tent, this mobile dwelling, something we use to “rough it” ,was the most beautiful architectural accomplishment of the day. The man that built it was a skilled craftsman empowered by God and moved in heart to work to accomplish God’s beauty. Sweat and time and energy went into making the art of divine dwelling. No ballet or food or poem will ever match the beauty of the very dwelling place of God. The beauty of a would-be a measly tent comes with a rush of fire at night and a settling of a cloud at day. The ark itself the resting place of the being that equipped and inspired the builder. The very presence of God cannot be matched in beauty and the builder, and when that cloud of the Presence came upon the tent that he slaved over, no doubt realized that he had done something beautiful.
     God no longer lives between the wings of golden angels but between the ribcages of men. He created something even more beautiful to enclose himself, humans. The Tent is a symmetrical reflection of what we have now in Christ. The very Holy Spirit of God resides in us, and after all that talk about the particular beauty of the Old Covenant temple, how much more beauty has God crafted us to be His dwelling place!!! I labored to read the several chapters in Exodus specifying the details of God’s house…how many more chapters has Christ opened to detail the House of God in the New Covenant!!! The Father demands succinct precision in his dwelling place, He made it happen with his Tent and He will make it happen with us. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?, a resounding NO…Christian, your beauty is in the perfection of the indweller.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Top Ten things

Top Ten things I WOULD do to annoy the class if/when I become a history teacher at a prestigious University

10. Mumble on purpose

9. Give students glittery stars below their name on the wall for each dumb answer.

8. Come in dressed up as Mary Todd Lincoln

7. Give different assigned seating every day, it helps me remember names

8. one word…neckbeard

7. Ask questions with obvious answers making them wonder if the question is rhetorical or not. Act annoyed every time someone answers out loud yet egg on the class when no one does.

6. Bash politicians for bashing politicians

5. Climb onto the desk and act out the final scene from King Kong…in slow motion

4. Flex my butt cheeks while writing on the board.

3.  Warning the students on the front row to move back ‘‘cause I’m a “spitter” when I talk.

2.  Fart.

1.  Show them this list and put a check next to each one every time I perform said acts, make it a competition by having them pick a number 1-10 and if yours wins, (by getting the most checks) at the end of the semester you automatically get an A!